Films by the Louvre

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Art and history

Art and the Horse

The collections of the Musée du Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay

Director(s): Jean-Luc Gunst

The Louvre's Horses (52 minutes): this film tells the story of the age-old bond between humans and horses that artists have endeavored to express over the centuries.

Horses of Orsay (52 minutes): this study of the most beautiful equestrian works in the Musée d'Orsay shows the profound changes in the portrayal and role of horses in 19th-century society.

Bonus: Artcheval at the Musée du Louvre (8 films of 4 min 50s); The "Artcheval" series (broadcast on the equestrian channel Equidia) is devoted to artistic representations of horses. The 8 short films presented here are based on major artworks in the Louvre.

The Louvre, a Palace for Horses: now a museum, the Louvre was once a royal palace—and a veritable palace for horses. The film explores the traces of this "equestrian" Louvre.


Available for sale on the co-publisher's or distributor's website.








160 minutes

Selections / Awards

Art Archives award, UNESCO Art Film Festival, 2002 (for "Horses of Orsay")

DVD edition

Catherine Derosier-Pouchous, Musée du Louvre

Daniel Charrier, CLC Productions

Commercial distribution

CLC Productions