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Detailed description :Art historians

Francis Haskell, Questions of Taste

Louvre Interviews series

 These films are designed as encounters—with people, ideas, methods. […] They use the means of cinema—its ability to evoke the past, and often even the invisible—to bring the viewer face to face with the art historian. (Michel Laclotte, former Director of the Musée du Louvre.)

Director(s): Renan Pollès

Though born in Britain, Francis Haskell is a truly European art historian, a perfect connoisseur of French and Italian cultures, and a researcher who prefers "the shadows and the sweet solitude of centuries past" to the spotlights. He nonetheless agreed to let Renan Pollès follow him on a journey from Cambridge to Rome, through the museums, churches, libraries, and archives that nourish his work as a historian. This original and innovative thinker, a specialist in the relationships between artists and patrons, has extended his research to the history of taste, a central issue.






43 minutes


Lézards associés ; Musée du Louvre


La Sept/Arte

Non-commercial distribution


Images de la Culture – CNC