Films by the Louvre

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The Mysteries of Alexandria

The Mysteries of Alexandria

Director(s): Thierry Ragobert

After The Seventh Wonder of the World and Alexandria the Magnificent, the third episode in the trilogy on Alexandria evokes the most impressive characteristic of the city: its monumental...
The Last Days of Zeugma

The Last Days of Zeugma

Director(s): Thierry Ragobert

The construction of a dam on the Euphrates in Turkey threatened to destroy one of the most important cities in the Roman empire. In July 2000, the ancient city of Zeugma was on the point of...

Alexandria the Magnificent

Alexandria the Magnificent

Director(s): Thierry Ragobert

One year after the underwater excavation at the site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Egyptian city is the scene of another major archaeological discovery: Jean-Yves Empereur and his team find...
The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Seventh Wonder of the World

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Seventh Wonder...

In Egypt, the construction of a dike in the bay of the ancient city of Alexandria threatened to bury the underwater remains of the famous lighthouse for ever. In 1995, the Egyptian Supreme Council of...