Films by the Louvre

Musée du Louvre


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Director(s): Stan Neumann

Synopsis: Recently, several works by Goya, including Le Colosse, preserved in the Prado, have been the subject of controversy over allocation. Therefore, a wind blowing on suspicion of works held in...


Director(s): Stan Neumann

The Louvre Museum has acquired a new version of La fuite en Egypte, de Nicolas Poussin, to the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon.  There is another Fuite en Egypte attributed to the artist by the most...

Léonard de Vinci, la restauration du siècle

Léonard de Vinci, la restauration du siècle

Director(s): Stan Neumann

This is one of the most beautiful paintings in the world, one of the most mysterious too. It is also a "sick" painting, defaced or threatened by "reparations" and successive layers of varnish...


Synopsis: We discover the complex workings of the Rome Renaissance great master studio. Many paintings are multi-hand worked. Who then is the creator? Who are his associates? The preparatory drawings...

La Citadelle de Lille de Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban

La Citadelle de Lille de Sébastien le Prestre de...

Director(s): Stan Neumann

Synopsis: "Queen of citadels" of Vauban is the model of the military constructions which are marking out France. The citadel of Lille is built between 1668 and 1671 at the request of Louis XIV, on...
Léonard de Vinci

Léonard de Vinci

Synopsis: The works of Leonardo da Vinci's are part of the most famous pieces in the museum ; however, art historians still have to resolve many questions, for example : who were the recipients of...

In the realm of Meroe: Mouweis, a city under the sand

In the realm of Meroe: Mouweis, a city under the...

Synopsis: A team of French archeologists from the Louvre museum discovers in Soudan the remains of a royal egyto african city, covered in sand. This discovery pleads for a civilisation much more...


Synopsis: In this episode devoted to Watteau Juliette Garcias and Stan Neumann invite us to share the questions of scientists about two major paintings: Pierrot and Embarkation for Cythera, without...